Early Out Solutions
Compassionately working with patients to pay medical bills

Working with Americollect for your early out solutions, you have a partner that maximizes revenue recovery. By putting your patients on the phone with our highly trained, Ridiculously Nice Customer Service Reps, we can discuss payment options closer to their service date, accelerating cash flow for you.
By utilizing multiple channels of communication, like email, voice, text, and chat with your patients, we can communicate with them in a timely manner. Plus, Americollect partners with a patient-friendly statement provider to send regular statements and, if required, a final notice. These touchpoints mean Americollect’s early out solutions bring in more money, more quickly, for your facility.
How are we able to collect more money AND be Ridiculously Nice to your patients? In addition to treating your patients with the dignity and respect they deserve, we are 100% healthcare focused, we utilize the latest and greatest in technology, and we ensure we are fully compliant in everything we do.
Healthcare Focused
We ONLY collect for healthcare, which means when your patient speaks to one of our collection teammates, they’re speaking to someone that understands the complexities and nuances of the medical collections landscape and early out options.
By utilizing the latest in collection technology, Americollect ensures that we are able to collect more than our competition.
Being Ridiculously Nice to patients means more than a polite conversation. It includes being in compliance with all of the medical rules and regulations that come with helping your patients make payments on time.
Contact us today to find out how Americollect’s early out solutions are a perfect fit for you!